This here form looks pretty interestin'. I might just get around to filling this in for y'all sometime*.

*sometime does not in any way implicate that this form will ever be filled out
Barbarians and the Necro...
Oldschool Castlevania platforming romp



The Body, Mind, and Soul of Gamemaking

Well, if this article was useful for one thing that I didn't already know it did introduce me to F.lux.

08-29-2009: Progress Update (read: Me slapping myself back on track)

Er... 11:59.599999999999999999999999999999999999 I meant.

08-29-2009: Progress Update (read: Me slapping myself back on track)

11:59.00 PM, not 11:59.999999999999999999999999999999999999 PM?!

What Makes it Smaller?

Damn it Orig now I went back and read that in Zoidberg's voice. Quit that already.

New jrpg game "Harry Potter and the Gloomy Grounds"(Rus)

This doesn't look suspicious at all...



Bot Problem

But responses to bot posts really let you look deep into the person posting them!

Hai guys read my haikus

'Tis quite a question
Perhaps maybe I shall go but
Oblivion's calls win

Hai guys read my haikus

This is dumb.
Though thou doest hate this
Art thou willing to answer me
How goeth thy jumping

Responses must be
Five seven then five once more
Or in some such thing

Item synthesis system help

Just don't let players use more than one of the same ingredient (that's how binary works after all).

Hai guys read my haikus

Ark I am afraid
For I really do question
Thy skill of counting